Have you been sued by Quality Leasing or QL Titling Trust?

3 years ago

 I have recently been made aware, that Quality Leasing and QL Titling Trust have been filing a number of lawsuits…

Have you been sued by Kinetic Advantage?

3 years ago

 Kinetic Advantage is a new automotive floorplan lender located in Hamilton County Indiana. The company was formed by former executives…

A free alternative to Home Title Lock?

3 years ago

 Back in 2018, I made a blog post about Home Title Lock, a company I had heard about on Sirius/XM…

True or false: My children will be stuck with my timeshare when I die. Mostly false.

4 years ago

 There is a new generation of timeshare "relief" companies out there. The names I keep hearing are Wesley Financial Group…

What happens if AFC Gets a Judgment Against Me?

4 years ago

 Automotive Finance Corporation, commonly known as AFC, has been suing more of its customers in Marion County (Indianapolis), Indiana than…

Do you have an Issue with IMG or Seven Corners over a Wrongfully Denied Travel Insurance Claim?

4 years ago

 We are investigating the case of a claims denial by IMG insurance over a travel policy.  It has come to…

Legal Fees in Perspective $2,750 vs $2.75 million – Bill Cosby

4 years ago

A news story today that Bill Cosby still owes $2.75 million in legal fees. We have no idea how much…

Nextgear and AFC updates in Covid Time

4 years ago

We continue to handle a lot of floorplan defense lawsuits, defending dealers sued by Nextgear and AFC.  They are still…