Are you a UAW Member waiting for the new Legal Services Plan? We can help you until the new Plan takes effect

In the UAW collective bargaining agreements negotiated last year with the major automakers, there was an agreement to bring back a new legal services benefit. The autoworkers had given up the legal services benefit in the austerity period following the great recession.

It was my privilege to serve UAW Members for over 16 years as a staff attorney at UAW Legal Services Plan’s Indianapolis office.  I still serve numerous UAW members and their families as a private attorney.  I also proudly drive a UAW-built vehicle, a Ford C-Max.  Like the UAW members, I have been trying to find news regarding the new legal services plan.

I have had members tell me that they haven’t heard any news about when the new legal services plan is to become effective and what it will cover, and they ask me if I know anything.  Unfortunately, no.  I am not part of the group that is putting together the new plan.  I know that it is not an easy thing to do organizationally. What they have to do is put together a not-for-profit law firm from scratch that is license to practice in numerous states; and they have to set it up in a way that is cost-efficient and  tax-efficient for the automakers funding it and for the workers receiving the benefits.  When there is something concrete, perhaps the information will be posted at the old UAW Legal Serfices Plan website linked here.

If you are a UAW Member or family member and you have a legal issue that you want to have addressed before the new Legal Services Plan takes effect, please feel free to call me at 317-662-4529. If you are outside of Indiana, I suggest you try Googling the name of the attorney who used to serve you with UAWLSP.  Many of the prior Plan attorneys have gone into private practice.  You might also find them on