Call for Action – Talk to A Lawyer (FREE) April 4, 2019

Steve Hofer will be giving free 1-on-1 consultations on a walk-in basis at the John Boner Center in Indianapolis on April 4 as part of the Money-Smart week activities.  Here is the information.

General Information
What:  free, in person Indy Star Call for Action/Talk with a Lawyer event (person with an individual question can meet 1:1 with a Call for Actionvolunteer and then if has a legal issue to discuss, with a volunteer attorney) , live educational presentations on various topics, information table, light refreshments

When:  April 4, 5-7:30p

Where: John Boner Neighborhood Centers, 2236 E. 10th St.

Who: for individuals in the community wanting to learn more about the topics, meet with Call for Action Volunteer about an issue or dispute, and/or who are in need of an attorney consultation about individual non-criminal legal issues

Why:    to educate individuals about their rights, provide other legal/financial information and resources and to help address access to justice in our community through the 1:1 consults

Sponsored by: Indy Star Call for Action, Indiana Legal Services, Inc. Consumer Advocacy Project and partners: John Boner Neighborhood Centers, Hawthorne Community Center, & Southeast Community Services; Heartland Pro Bono Council,and Indiana section of National Association of Consumer Advocates