Category: Caliber Home Loans

More on Caliber Home Loans and LSF9 Master Participation Trust – Beckwith vs. Caliber Home Loans

I ran across a 2015 court case from the United States Federal District Court for the Northern District of Alabama, Beckwith vs. Caliber Home Loans et al.  This is a case where a borrower whose mortgage had been assigned to LSF9 Master Participation Trust (serviced by Caliber Home Loans) sued Caliber and those up the […]

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Is Caliber Home Loans engaged in a pattern and practice of Stealth Foreclosures?

I am beginning to get the picture that Caliber Home Loans, as servicer for a number of securitized trusts, may be engaged in “stealth foreclosures” on a grand scale.  Why do I think that. Well, I have one case that fits the bill, but that one case seems like it is probably one of many […]

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What’s the Story with LSF9 Master Participation Trust?

I have a foreclosure client who has a loan that was bought by LSF9 Master Participation Trust.  This is a weird case in a lot of ways, but when I Looked for information on LSF9 Master Participation Trust, I found from a Google search that it seems that a lot of problem loans from different […]

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