Category: home title lock

More Comments on Home Title Lock

 In the past couple of years, I’ve gotten calls from a couple of reporters who started an investigation into Home Title Lock. It is likely the most recent investigation was snuffed out by the (then new) pandemic.  I heard my first commercial for them in a long time, and I think things are about to […]

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A free alternative to Home Title Lock?

 Back in 2018, I made a blog post about Home Title Lock, a company I had heard about on Sirius/XM radio. The gist of my post is that based on my experience, I thought the company was exaggerating the problem of fraudulent deed recordings.  Since then, I’ve been contacted by a couple of reporters who […]

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More on Hometitlelock

I’ve gotten a couple calls concerning Hometitlelock since I wrote this blog post.  These people didn’t read my post very carefully, because they thought I was Hometitlelock.  Not only am I not affiliated with them, I feel like I would be casting shame upon my family if I were. You might be a victim of […]

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People are curious about Home Title Lock -Their ex-FBI Agent is a Part-Owner – HMMMM

Last year I published a post “Is Home Title Lock Legitimate?” This post now has over 1400 hits, and as such it is more popular than all my other posts from last year.   I’m not going to restate what I wrote last year.  My opinion is the same, I think the company is using fearmongering […]

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The Most Popular Post of 2018 – Is Home Title Lock Legitimate?

I looked back at my posts from 2018, and by a large margin, my most popular post was my post posing the rhetorical question: Is Home Title Lock legitimate? This post generated over 500 views per Blogger’s counter.  (What can I say? This blog isn’t exactly the New York Times.)  I still hear the advertisements […]

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Is Home Title Lock Legitimate?

I listen to satellite radio a lot, and I frequently hear commercials for Home Title Lock. ( This is what Home Title Lock says on their website:  Mortgage fraud is the fastest growing white collar crime in AmericaTitle fraud is when a thief uses a false identity and transfers your home’s title to his name. […]

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Home / home title lock