Category: Keith Hagan
Prisoner’s Dilemma and Debt Negotiation
I love having a partner (Keith Hagan) who an expert in game theory. We have business clients (multiple) who are just mired in debt to multiple creditors, any one of which can shut them down to the point where they can’t pay any of them. My partner uses the Prisoner’s Dilemma scenario to keep the […]
After 8 Years A New Identity – The Beginning of Hofer Hagan LLP, the end of Consumer Law Office of Steve Hofer
As of today, I am ending my practice under the name Consumer Law Office of Steve Hofer, BUT I have joined up with attorney Keith Hagan, and we have formed a new firm, Hofer Hagan LLP. Other than the new name, not much is changing. Keith and I have been doing most of our cases […]
Are you an Indiana owner of a “bricked” Flywheel bike?
News outlets reported hat Flywheel apparently settled a patent dispute with Peloton eyeing to swap Flywheel by “bricking” all the at-home Flywheel bikes. According to news reports, Peloton is offering to swap a Flywheel bike for a refurbished one. Buyers of Flywheel bikes who bought them new need to know that their bikes had an […]
World Law Group – More Harm than Good?
I’m just starting my investigation into a complaint against World Law Group. This company has a one star rating with the BBB, and a quick google search shows 803 hits on “World Law Group” at only. To add to the confusion, there appears to be more than one unrelated company doing business under the […]