Category: LVNV Funding

Have You Been Sued by LVNV on an Out-of-State Judgment

I have a case where LVNV Funding, LLC, filed to  have a Tennessee judgment issued in the name of the original creditor converted into an Indiana Judgment in the name of LVNV.  We are currently fighting this.  If you are involved in a similar case, even in totally different states, please call me. I’m not […]

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Have You Been Sued by LVNV Funding, LLC in Indiana

Have you been sued by LVNV Funding, LLC, This company buys a lot of old debt, and they file a lot of lawsuits. I am looking into some issues that I’ve noticed in LVNV’s documentation  If you have been sued by them in Indiana, please call me at 317-662-4529.

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Update on Debt Buyer Collection Lawsuits in Indiana – Other Courthouse Trends Noted

I just wanted to post a short note on trends that I have seen filed against consumers in Indiana this year. Since I last visited the topic, in August 2014, there seems to have been a slight decrease in the number of collection lawsuits brought in Indiana. I think that is partially due to an […]

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