Category: new uaw legal services benefit

The New UAW Legal Services Plan is open

About a year behind schedule, the new UAW Legal Services Plan is open and taking cases as of January 25, 2015.  The following paragraph is take directly from their websit at A new Legal Services Plan opened on January 25, 2017 for eligible FCA, Ford, and General Motors members. It is called UAW-FCA-Ford-General Motors […]

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The Revived (partially) UAW Legal Services Benefit to Resume in January 2017

The Detroit Free Press is reporting that the much-delayed revival of the UAW Legal Services benefit will resume in January 2017.  I spent over 16 years with UAW Legal Services Plans, and I am glad the members will be getting back some legal services benefits.  The new benefit will be scaled back, only including the […]

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Information about the New Legal Services Benefit for UAW Members – or lack thereof

Having been a longtime attorney for UAW Legal Services Plans, I get asked by a lot of the UAW members and retirees about a new legal services benefit in the contracts with Ford, Fiat Chrysler and General Motors that were ratified in the Fall of 2015. In the Fall 2015, the automakers agreed to reinstate […]

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