Category: Payday Loans

Good News and Bad News Relating to CFPB Payday Loan and Auto Title Loan Regulation

The CFPB has proposed a final rule that prohibits a lot of the worst practices in the Payday Loan industry as well as practices involving Auto Title Loans and other abusive loans.  These regulations are primarily intended to get people out of the “debt trap” that happens when you are forced to roll over payday […]

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Fake Payday Loan – Arrest Warrant Scam Resurfaces

I had a caller today report harassing emails claiming she was going to be arrested unless she paid a payday loan she didn’t take out.  The calls including threats of jail, garnishment and use of the “n-word”.  All of these are illegal debt collection tactics.  The reason these practices go on is that this particular […]

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What’s worse than a payday loan? Not much, but one thing that is worse is a fake payday loan. The FTC has taken action against a group of firms they say bilked consumers out of tens of millions of dollars by putting through electronic funds transfer requests for payments on loans that never existed. The […]

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