Category: Telephone Consumer Privacy Act

Are you getting marketing text messages late at night? You might be able to sue for damages.

 Under the Telephone Consumer Privacy Act, or TCPA, a company is not supposed to engage in automated calling or text messaging without your permission. They also aren’t allowed to send automated messages to you before 8:00 AM or after 9:00 PM your time.  I received a complaint from a person who is receiving late night […]

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TCPA – The best way to revoke your consent to get robocalls

Probably THE hot area in consumer law right now is the TCPA, the Telephone Consumer Privacy Act.  Among other things, the TCPA prohibits auto-dialed calls to personal cell phones for commercial purposes without prior written consent, and each call that violates the TCPA can bring damages of $500-1500. One of the thorniest issues involves consent […]

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Have you been getting Telemarketing Calls from (317) 548-4319?

I have received a complaint about spam telemarketing calls from 317-548-4319. The automated voice associated with these calls asks the callee if he/she is interested in a home security system and offers to transfer them to a live operator. You should be aware that unless you gave specific permission for this company to call your […]

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Put Geek Support on Life Support

Lately I have been getting calls to  my landline from a blocked number.  The call is clearly auto-dialed with a pause before a live person .  on.  the call clearly comes from an overseas call center.  The person comes on the line with a generic American name and says he/she is from “geek support” and […]

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Bankers Lobby Defeated in Fight Over Robo-Calling Rules

The Federal Communications Commission issued new rules concerning robo-calling under the Telephone Consumer Privacy Act, or TCPA.  Among other things the TCPA provides remedies for consumers when they receive auto-dialed telemarketing or collection calls to their cellphone when the consumer has not given the caller permission. Under the TCPA, consumers have the right to sue […]

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