Dodge Enterprises, Inc. and Hiday and Ricke, PA and the Ghost of Great Seneca

It has come to our attention that a company named Dodge Enterprises, Inc., typically represented by the law firm of Hiday and Ricke, PA, has been collecting on judgments originally awarded to Great Seneca Financial Corp.  Some people may be facing wage garnishments or asset attachments arising out of these old cases. Typically these cases were brought between 2003 and 2007.

As far as I can tell Dodge Enterprises has only been active in Florida.

I have written multiple times on the topic of Great Seneca, but basically, Great Seneca Financial Corp. is a dead company and has been since 2008.  It is one of a group of dead companies listed below:

Great Seneca Financial Corporation
Platinum Financial Services Corporation
Monarch Capital Corporation
Centurion Capital Corporation
Sage Financial Corporation
Hawker Financial Corporation
 Colonial Credit Corporation

If Dodge Enterprises, or any other entity for that matter, contacts relating to judgments originating with one of the companies above, it is very important that you make whoever is trying to collect from you provide proof of assignment of the judgment, and that proof should go back to the original judgment-holder and be account specific.  If they can’t provide that level of proof, you might have defenses to paying on the judgments, and if you don’t wait too long, you may actually be able to get some money back that you’ve already paid. 

Feel free to call us at 317-662-4529 if you have been garnished or are facing collection by Dodge Enterprises arising from an old debt or judgment.