Driver Solutions LLC at it again – Garnishing on Old Judgments

I received another call from a consumer who received a garnishment notice on an old judgment on Driver Solutions LLC.  Before I got that call, I thought those guys had been taught a lesson, being sued on a class action, paying the better part of a million dollars and forced to satisfy more than $56 million dollars in judgments against former students, but no, they are still trying to garnish on old judgments.  The class action referenced above covered cases Driver Solutions filed on or after July 13, 2010, and it appears that at least as to lawsuits filed before that day, Driver Solutions considers collections to be fair game.  I don’t think so.  I’m putting together a strategy to deal with these cases.  Please call me if you are being garnished or having assets seized over these old judgments.  Defendants in these cases are all over the country.  You may not even know you were ever sued until you find out they got a judgment against you.  I will try to link you up with another NACA consumer lawyer in your area.