Old Spice Deodorant – Is Old Spice Deodorant Safe to Use?
Proctor and Gamble, makers of Old Spice, maintain their deodorant is seafe, and the injuries claimed are not chemical burns, they are imune reactions unique to the individuals claiming the injury – freak occurances in other words.
In my mind, it doesn’t matter if the injuries are chemical burns or not. If there are enough of them, even if they are the product of allergic reactions, the product is not reasonably safe. If you are injured by Old Spice or any other product, you should save the prroduct and report the injury both to the manufacturer and the Food and Drug Administration. DO NOT GIVE THE PRODUCT BACK TO THE MANUFACTURER. At most give them a small sample to test.
If you have injuries that require medical treatment, you should consider contacting an attorney who handles personal injury cases. If you are in Indiana, I would like to hear from you, call me at 317-662-4529.
There are various law firms that are advertising for these cases, and at least one class action has been filed. I suggest anyone affected find a LOCAL attorney to represent you. Your local attorney can team up with other attorneys to take on P&G on more equal terms. If you rely on a national law firm only, it is easy to fall between the cracks and not get the kind of individual attention that you might expect.
I have nothing to do with the production of the video below that I found on Youtube.