People are curious about Home Title Lock -Their ex-FBI Agent is a Part-Owner – HMMMM

Last year I published a post “Is Home Title Lock Legitimate?” This post now has over 1400 hits, and as such it is more popular than all my other posts from last year.   I’m not going to restate what I wrote last year.  My opinion is the same, I think the company is using fearmongering tactics to sell its product.  If you give them money and end up unsatisfied, I suggest you file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission.  I wouldn’t be surprised if the complaint spurred a refund.

Since I posted on the topic, the San Diego Union Tribune posted an interview with Art Pfitzenmayer, the ex-FBI agent spokesperson for the company. In the interview he admits that he is a part owner of the company. He admits that home title fraud was not a major problem when he worked for the FBI, and he admits that there have been “very few” cases where HTL customers had their titles fraudulently changed.